Thanks for checking us out . . .
There are a lot of churches out there, each having a different take on this Jesus character, community, the Sunday morning.
We’re not sure we’ve got it right, but we’re taking another look at it — all the time. For too long the church has been answering questions that folks aren’t asking. The church has lost ground dealing with “stupid stuff.”
We believe that Sunday morning is a great launching pad . . . but if a rocket ship sits too long on the pad, it becomes a rusty piece of metal. An irrelevant relic.
We don’t mind the word ‘crisis’ because, really, change happens in crisis, where difficult things need to be discussed, need to be pursued.
If you ever want to check us out . . . be aware that the first Sunday of every month we meet at 10 at the Lantern only to be leaving it by 10:15 to volunteer at six or seven sites around the community from the Inglewood Home to the Drop-in Centre, from Servant’s Anonymous to the Sheriff King Home. We believe Jesus is all over that.
Our Sunday morning meetings are pretty relaxed but, hopefully, meaningful and engaging. We believe the Bible is the Word of God needing careful reflection . . . the Bible can be a dangerous book if one picks and chooses and throws around misapplications.
We’ve partnered with dozens of groups from the Calgary Fringe to the Inglewood Music Club and the Animated Film Festival. The church runs a great little Art and Music School and have served close to 500 kids and adults in our 13 years on the block here in Inglewood.
We’re here to stay . . . but hopefully not in a presumptuous way. We’re here to grow and – each day – try to get it right.
We'd love to have you. Come join us on Sundays, either in person or on YouTube:

Pastor Ed continues to lead our congregation and minister to the needs of our neighbours in Inglewood and Ramsay communities.